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What is Linux?

what is Linux?

It is an operating system for lots of appliances within the world. Such as computers, household appliances, Network file systems, Automotive Computers. Basically anything that has Computing capabilities. The computer you are reading this on uses a operating system such as windows or mac or anything else programed. And in many cases Linux. 

What is a computer?   The definition of a computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data. We install operating systems onto computers for the ability to do anything we really want. Let me show you what a computer is. 

Simply amazing with the progress human kind has made. 

Why use Linux for so many appliances or devices in the world. Well Just like Windows Linux can be installed into a computers brain and has wider capabilities for optional uses.
Within a Linux operating system is what is known as the terminal. This is how the computer talks to the user, US. We can type into this terminal to speak to the computer. And depending on what we are trying to accomplish depends on what commands we can use.

we are using kali Linux to display basic Linux commands

*note* if I have something written as < example > this is simply to state that is the command example. And we write it in the terminal without any arrows.
we are logged in as root. Lets begin

1. < whoami > this displays what user you are using within the terminal. Here you can see, my current user is a root. If I was another user, that would display here. The root user always has more privileges, editing capabilities, and is the king in relation to a castle.

2. < pwd > this tells the terminal to print the working directory "where you are currently located"

3. < print >

this simply prints to your terminal. nothing is related to the action

4. <ls>   <la -a>   and   <ls -al>

ls   is for list and it lists what you currently are in 

ls -a   lists ALL of possible files and directories 

ls -al   lists all files and directories with the privileges that the current user has. more on that to come in a later article 

important to know, directories are in a different color than regular files. In this example directories are in blue

5. < cd > 
Now that we talked about directories, that's explain how to change a directory. This specific command will change your current directory

So in this example, we changed into the directory labeled as .ssh

we used ls -a to display the directories first

6. < cd .. > 
If we are in a directory and want to go back we can use the change directory back command

7. < cat > 
we display using any ls -a command and we have the ability to open it using cat this is short for concentrate. Let's open up a random file of .bashrc

8. < touch  > 
Okay, we know how to open a file and now let's make a file. This is going to be a simple read.me file. The command is called touch, followed by the file you want to create

9. < print>> filename \ insert context >  

We have our file, let's put some information into it

we are saying to print this information into the file

and now it is inside our file!! we used cat to view it.

10. < mkdir > 
Now let's make a new directory a safe place for all my papers

11. < rmdir  > simple, remove directory command

it is now gone!!